Let’s set a few names down for the historical record, shall we? Joel F. Dubina, Chief Judge, U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, and William H. Prior, Judge, U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, two men, two cruel, cowardly, and callous men, whose names should live in quiet infamy. On Sept. 19, these two men…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Nikita, not afraid to name names
Ah, Nikita, Nikita, poor little hit girl. I don’t know which iteration we’re on of that straight-shootin’ waif, but the one I’m watching, in reruns, with Maggie Q pulling the trigger, definitely tells it like it is, or was. When shocking video of Americans murdering a Chilean politician is released on the Internet, a tough-talkin’…
This is not the New Yorker
Well, it isn’t. The New Yorker has a cartoon captioning contest, which I have never won, at least in part because I have never entered it. Anyway, if I ever did enter it, this is what I might come up with. “Which one of youse guys is called ‘Frenchie’?” “That is so gay.” “‘Cookie’ Lavegetto,…
Andy is confused about why he is penned.
Well, I guess if Mama McQueen* had explained it to him, preferably in lucid supple periodic prose, he wouldn’t be having such a shit fit. Talk to your dogs! They speak English! (At least, the smart ones do.) *The old biddy who penned him.
More from Dave
Awhile back I ran a post jumping off of David Brinkley’s book of reminiscences, Brinkley’s Beat. As I explained then, and I’ll explain now, David Brinkley was once one of the most famous men on television, co-anchor of the “Huntley-Brinkley Report,” the highest ranked news show on TV during the glory days of network television….
Barack Obama, the Neocons’ Choice?
Horror show! Horror show! Wash Post blogger Jennifer Rubin, aka Fred Hewitt’s wooden-headed dummy, has a serious anxiety attack over the Republican condendahs’ Thrilla in Tampa on Monday. “I share my colleague Marc Thiessen’s horror at the dreadful display of foreign policy foolishness at the Republican debate last night,” exclaims Jennifer, who clearly needs to…
September is the coolest month
Over at the New Republic, Ramblin’ Jed Perl begins his latest peregrination through the windmills of his mind thusly: In the autumn, everybody wonders what’s going to happen next in the arts. This is a natural feeling, a good feeling. Optimism is in the air. But if you’ve already spent your fair share of autumns…
Slate: Incisive Press Criticism No, Mindless NFL Blather Sí!
There’s been lots of talk on the internet about the cost-cutting decision of Slate to pull the plug on peerless press critic Jack Shafer, who’s going to work for Reuters. I particularly admired Jack’s work in policing the NYTimes’ endless capacity for detecting non-existent trends, not only those involving the latest in “killer drugs” and…
Why do the heathen rage? From Perot Party to Tea Party
Yes. As I’ve asked so many times in the past, why do the heathen rage? The Tea Party folks do have roots. Sarah Palin’s self-pitying tirades against the lamestream media could have been lifted, almost word for word, from George Wallace’s attacks on Yankee liberals, biggity Harvard professors looking down their noses (as they most…
Rick Perry: Eisenhower Republican or High Country Mussolini?
Yeah, it’s Rick, Rick, nothin’ but Rick here at Literature R Us. The man who could be president is certainly becoming a bee in my bonnet, and I’m longing to let him out soon. But the fact is that I’ve applied both lapels to Rick in recent posts. Can’t I make up my mind? It’s…