Over at Wired’s “Danger Room,” Spencer Ackerman takes a look at the results of President Obama’s drone war, causing Greg Scoblete and Andrew Sullivan to express skepticism regarding the accuracy of the Administration’s body count. Last August, the New York Times also questioned the drone program’s “perfect record.” This photo, of Syed Wali Shah Khan,…
Author: Alan Vanneman
~The New Yorker
For approved humor, go here. “Yeah, this is Les Sylphides. What’s it to ya?” “She works here, but she don’t work for me, if you catch my drift.” “Ten cents a dance? Not exactly. More like two hundred fifty, plus she likes a dozen long stems after the performance. So, no, it’s not for everyone.”…
Emily Nussbaum, discovering the seamy side of torture
When Dexter, the tale of a sensitive serial killer, first premiered, five seasons ago, the New Yorker’s Emily Nussbaum counted herself a fan: Each week, Dexter, played with icy charisma by Michael C. Hall, stalked his victims. He strapped them to a table, sliced their cheeks to collect a drop of blood, then cut them up with a…
Rod Blagojevich: Moptop Dickhead*
So now Rod Blagojevich is going to jail for fourteen years for running his mouth. I find this utterly repulsive. Martha Stewart became a convicted felon for the crime of telling a cheesy little lie that essentially did no harm to anyone, but gave a “crusading” district attorney the chance to kick some celebrity ass.†…
The U.S./Israeli Pre-Preventative Anticipatory Pre-emptive Strike Program
The New York Times reports that a massive explosion at an Iranian missile-testing site was a “major setback” for the country’s missile program, at least according to unnamed but surprisingly loquacious “American and Israeli intelligence officials and missile technology experts,” the kind of guys who usually don’t talk much to reporters, but who on this…
The Carl Levin John McCain “We Don’t Want To Be Free” Act of 2011
When does it stop getting worse? The U.S. Senate—that’s the Democratically controlled U.S. Senate—has just passed a singularly gruesome package of lies and abuses to protect us from non-existent terrorists by methodically stripping us of all our freedoms. Glenn Greenwald, whose fingers must be awfully tired from typing the never-ending flow of moral and constitutional…
Laura Caviani Trio – “Epistrophy”
Laura Caviani on piano, Adam Linz on bass and Phil Hey on drums doing Monk’s “Epistrophy” live at the Artists Quarter for Monk’s 90 Birthday celebration on 10/10/2007. Posted by donberryman
If you can’t handle intense, one-of-a-kind humor, go here. “Sorry, this is the last one. Everyone loves the symbolism, but you’re falling way, way behind.” “Reflections on the Revolution in France? Hey, talk about your irony!” “See, Jerry, writing a tell-all novel about the firm wasn’t so funny after all. Be at your desk on…
Blemish? Yeah, I guess you could call it that
I’m reading David McCullough’s fascinating, thousand-page history of Christianity, which is simply called Christianity, with the snappy subtitle, “The First Three Thousand Years,” implying that there will be some backstory, which there is. I’ve gotten to about 1100 AD, or page 400, depending on how you want to keep track. According to McCullough, “one of…
The Washington Post, defining deviancy down, down, down, in so many, many ways
I shouldn’t read the Washington Post. And I don’t. But sometimes I run across links that draw me there. And each time they do, I find the Post has gotten even worse than it was before. The first link was provided by Glenn Greenwald, who did all my bitching for me, providing an withering, and…