Over at the Daily Beast, Peter Beinart ties himself into knots trying to explain why “non-racist” Newt Gingrich says racist things, to wit, that black people (and only black people) somehow need to be told that they should stop collecting food stamps and get jobs instead. “Gingrich’s problem isn’t racism,” claims Pete earnestly, the sweat…
Author: Alan Vanneman
The Washington Post: Not entirely without honor, on occasion
I’ve pretty much lost count of the mean things I’ve said about the Washington Post,* but, by publishing “10 Reasons The U.S. Is No Longer The Land Of The Free” by George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, the Post has demonstrated that it still feels some obligation to present opposing views. Turley’s eponymous blog…
The Obama Wars
President Obama ran for office promising “to end a war.” The artful use of the indefinite article, especially when coming from a Harvard man, should have been a tip-off that ending a war didn’t mean, you know, “peace.” The President has ended the war in Iraq, pretty much, if you ignore our Baghdad “embassy,” a…
Thelonious Monk’s “Bye-Ya,” performed by the Conservatoire de Nantes, at the Heure Musicale du Jeudi, November 13, 2008
Pierrick Menuau, tenor sax, Simon Mary, bass, Jean Chevalier, drums, Jean-Marie Bellec, piano. Posted by jmbellec
No Way New Yorker!
For the real deal, go here. “No offense, but you girls need new outfits, and I’m the damn Isaac Mizrahi of spandex.” “No, my name is not Clark fucking Kent, it’s Billy fucking Batson. Now give me a damn martini before I SHAZAM your damn ass.” “They all looked like this before they had a…
It was a slam dunk! An upside-down slam dunk!
Was the Bush Admninistration’s invasion of Iraq based on faulty intelligence? No, says Paul R. Pillar, deputy director of the CIA’s Counterterrorist Center from 1997 to 1999, writing in Foreign Policy online. It was executed in the face of correct intelligence, to wit: “Had Bush read the intelligence community’s report [issued in October 2002], he…
So Unfair! To Arianna, I mean.
“Howie” Carr, who, according to David Weigel, is “probably the most influential talker in New England,” has recently labeled Newt Gingrich “a butch Arianna Huffington.” Funny! Funny, because I had always tabbed Arianna as a butch Newt Gingrich. What goes around comes around, I guess.
The New York Times: We can toos regurgitate Pentagon talking points without Judy Miller on board!
Yes, they can! Did you know that the Pentagon has an “unmatched record in developing technologies with broad public benefits — like the Internet, jet engines and satellite navigation — and then encouraging private companies to reap the rewards.” Well, I didn’t either, but Timesman Binyamin Appelbaum pronounces it so, albeit without a shred of…
Slate’s “Best”? Are their hemispheres, you know, communicating?
I was checking out something or other on Slate, and, as has happened in the past, one of their little story-promoting boxes caught my eye. This is, apparently, their best, most popular, or (least pleasant hypothesis) most likely to appeal to Alan Vanneman: My wife’s best friend hates me I farted in front of my…
Freedoms Westerners take for granted, most of the time
Writing in the Washington Post, Ilan Grapel begins his story this way: “Five months in an Egyptian jail gives a person a lot of time to think. When you are not pacing or trying to catch an hour of afternoon sun through the barred window, there are thoughts of home, family, the freedoms Westerners take…