Legal humor here. “Hey, numbnuts. That thing don’t drive itself.” “That’s a ‘green machine’ how?” “You’re going to go to sleep and you’re going to wake up President? Walter, there’s a lot about you that I just don’t understand.” “Well, does your ‘big concept’ include getting off your big fat ass and driving that thing?”…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Yes, Brendan, there is a Santa Claus. You just have to know how to work the son of a bitch
Michael Lewis, just after redefining presidential suck-up with his breathless account of presidential b-ball, relapses from his DC sugar high into enjoyable Wall Street snark. In a recent Bloomberg post, spotted by Felix Salmon, Michael affects to relay advice from 12-year-old texter to fellow sons of former Wall Street geniuses a few ground rules for…
There is no question
I have resolved not to start off this post with a question, such as “Can Obama Come Back?” or “Is Romney For Real?”, with the post concluding “maybe so, maybe no.” At this point, in one night Mitt Romney has energized the Republicans in a way that he very notably hadn’t done in the past…
Jack Welch, double asshole
I just got finished telling you that Jack Welch is an asshole. Well, Jack’s back, on the attack. Margaret Hartman, at New York magazine, alerts us to Jack’s latest and greatest excrescence, in, of course, Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, headlined “Jack Welch: I Was Right About That Strange Jobs Report.” Shrewdly, Jack conflates and…
Jack Welch, asshole
In a rare display of actual, functioning karma, albeit at a very minor level, Jack “BLS cooked the numbers” Welch, former CEO of General Electric, will no longer be contributing to Fortune Magazine and Reuters news service, ostensibly at this own volition, although both organizations may have helped Jack make up his mind by supplying…
The New York Police Department: Not that innocent
At the New York Review of Books, Michael Greenberg discusses some of the near-endless violations of civil liberties that occur in the New York City of Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, focusing on the NYPD’s “Intelligence Division” in particular. Mike saves his “nut graph” for last. David Cohen, the head of the Intelligence…
Chris Potter—“Bye ya”
Definitely dark. Jam Session – Guimarães Jazz 2011, Brazil. Chris Potter – Saxophone; Ralph Alessi – Trumpet; Andy Milne – Piano; Drew Gress – Bass; Mark Ferber – Drums. Posted by João Paulo
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Just keep ‘em coming, sis. Daddy knows when to quit.” “It’s not the coffee, dollface. It’s you.” “Sandra, I’ve been wanting to tell you this for awhile. I don’t come here for the coffee.” “We’re all sine waves, really. I just need damping more than most.” Yes, today was going to be…
How many Jews are there at the Bureau of Labor Statistics?
Okay, that was Richard Nixon’s line, but if the modern-day right isn’t there yet, they’re on the way. How lucky can Obama get? His C-, do I really have to be here performance at the debate looked lame enough in comparison to Romney’s scintillating A, but in the week-long rehash, stand-ups and cable news hacks…
An Embarrassment of Democrats
Up until Wednesday night, just about everything went right for President Obama’s re-election campaign. Yet in just one night, the President managed to push the reset button, and he did it all on his own. The President must have believed that all he had to do was show up for the debate and it would…