Over at Slate, David Wiegel explains the difference between “astute” racism and, well, not so astute. Astute racism, well, first of all you get a black guy to do it. Black Republican Michael Steele explains how to reduce black turnout the smart way: Number one, you don’t do it in a political year. You want…
Author: Alan Vanneman
How’s that “Party of Death” thing working out for you, Ramesh?
Over at the National Review, Ramesh Ponnuru has gotten a lot of well-deserved praise for his truth-telling regarding the latest Republican debacle, pointing out that, among other things, the Republicans have lost the popular vote in the past five of six presidential elections (after winning five of six in the post-Vietnam era), that they would…
Mitt: “Yeah, I am an arrogant, out-of-touch, multi-millionaire! What’s your point?”
Just in case he hadn’t already alienated every non-millionaire in the country, Mitt Romney has “explained” his recent loss to President Obama in terms of government handouts to blacks, illegals, college kids, horny young women, and other assorted riff-raff. Well, Mitt, maybe next time you should run for President of the Boca Raton Country Club….
Peggy Noonan, vibratin’ in vain
When I am on my deathbed, writhing in pain, my death rattle shattering my soul, if someone will only have the prescience to read to me the following beautiful words, written by Peggy Noonan on the eve of the 2012 election, I will, despite my pain, smile gratefully and depart this weary world in peace….
Oh Ret. Col. Peter Mansoor, you bitch
Petraeus pal Ret. Col. Peter Mansoor, describing Paula Broadwell: “a supremely confident, fairly attractive, physically fit woman with a huge agenda.” (My italics) What’s the size of your agenda, Pete?
Questions that answer themselves
Over at the New Republic, Marc Tracy asks “Why Is the NFL’s Trade Deadline So Boring?” I won’t tell you why—that would be stealing Marc’s thunder—but I will tell you that Marc notes that “The last consequential midseason trade—the famous Herschel Walker trade that birthed the Dallas Cowboys’ dynasty—occurred in 1989.” I’m glad that someone…
Tampa Socialites Behaving Badly
What Jill hath wrought, eh? Beware of FBI agents, baring chests. Perhaps if the FBI didn’t regard itself as a favor machine for dudes trying to make it with busty married chicks* we wouldn’t be in this mess. FBI DUDE # 1: “Do you think there’s even a possibility of a crime here?” FBI DUDE…
Memo to Matt: Boehner may be bluffing, but so are the Democrats
Over at Slate, Matt Yglesias insists that President Obama doesn’t have to give an inch to House Speaker John Boehner on taxes in the upcoming fix everything we didn’t fix before lame-duck session. Because Republicans under Bush passed “temporary” tax cuts rather than permanent ones, and because those tax cuts are set to expire, Obama…
How about that Charlie Sheen? I hear he gets more tail than General Petraeus!
Glenn Greenwald devotes perhaps too many column inches to the otherwise valid point that usually when a public figure gets caught with his pants down he’s the recipient of delighted, scurrilous ridicule, but that when it’s a four-star general named Petraeus, the rules are different. So, Glenn, I’m helping. More seriously, Petraeus has one major…
New at Bright Lights: Final Fred and More
My review of Fred Astaire’s TV specials, only available on YouTube, is up at the not entirely safe for work Bright Lights Film Journal. I have additional reviews of The Hunger Games and High Noon. Links to my reviews of Fred Astaire’s 27 dancing films can be found here.