That seems to be the premise of Zero Dark Thirty, the new movie that lies about how neat torture is, at least when the U.S. does it. Glenn Greenwald (of course) is all over the multiple hypocrisies involved, and their name is Legion, for they are many.
Author: Alan Vanneman
Pseudo-New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Congratulations, big boy. Your life just got interesting.” “Because I have a new set of antimacassars that simply demand to be seen, that’s why.” “Yes, it is a change. Welcome to the wonderful world of interpersonal relationships.” “OK, then, don’t think of me as a secretary. Think of me as a life…
President Obama really, really mean to Republicans, Krauthammer says
Yes, according to Charlie “K-Man” Krauthammer, President Obama is seeking to take advantage of the fact that the Republican Party is a fucked-up,* dysfunctional, morally compromised intellectual fraud in order to accomplish his own policy goals. Gee, and after the Republicans spent the last four years doing everything in their power to destroy him and…
I care not what I do, since Katie Rolphe bought a new pair of obscenely expensive shoes
Bad girl feminist Katie Rolphe gets a column out of conquering her guilt and buying a pair of shoes. A column you probably won’t be reading: Katie gets a shot o’ botox and feels fabulous. AfterwordsBack in the day when I was admiring Sarah Jessica Parker’s tits artistry on Sex and the City, a pair…
Right-wing press discovers that Benghazi is a CIA fuck-up, not a Susan Rice fuck-up
Let me distribute a kudo or two to Siobham Gorman and Adam Entous, reporters for my least favorite publication, the Wall Street Journal, for bothering to do some actual reporting regarding Susan Rice’s infamous talking points on the assassination of four Americans in Benghazi. Since their story is behind the Journal’s pay wall, and since…
Hey, Hey, President Obama! How many kids did you kill today?
If you see a couple of kids in Afghanistan digging a hole beside a road, what do you do? Open fire! Yep, that’s how it goes in the big A, or Afstan, or whatever it is that GIs call Afghanistan. Dan Lamothe and Joe Gould, staff writers with the Military Times, flesh out my brief…
Jews getting all goyish on our asses, study says
That’s the gist of Ron Unz’s latest data dump over at the American Conservative, “The Myth of American Meritocracy,” even though you have to dig through about twelve column feet of mostly interesting, frequently disturbing news about likely discrimination against high-achieving Asians in America’s elite colleges. Sure, there are lots of Asians in elite schools,…
General Petraeus, contemplating a career move: Wars are out, assassinations are in!
Establishment dick National icon Bob Woodward reports on a taped conversation that Fox News contributor Kathleen McFarland had with Gen. David Petraeus back when El Davo was still running things in Afghanistan, a tape that, mysteriously, did not surface until after General Dave resigned in disgrace from his position as head of the CIA. Kathleen…
Shuffle Boil, Parts I & II
Part I Part II Thelonious Monk’s tune, played by Julian Siegel’s group. Posted by DordogneJazzSchool.
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Yes, he is a by the numbers guy. And, for your information, by the numbers happens to be fabulous.” “You define ‘prosaic,’ Jerry. You define it. And for that very reason, you cannot understand the allure of mystery.” “By completing him, I complete myself. “ “Le cœur a ses raisons que la…