Buzz Bissinger has 71 leather jackets and no sense, a fact amply on display in this post making the rounds on the web. Bissinger, fifty-five actin’ fifty-five, demonstrates why old men should be illegal.
Author: Alan Vanneman
Well, you know, New Jersey
Headline in Politico: “New Jersey poll: Chris Christie weight not an issue.” If the home of Tony Soprano won’t elect a fat guy, who will?
Sabine Trio— “Ask Me Now,” Part 3
Posted by SabinePothierjazz’ channel
Line o’ the Day
“Though it may fade with time as he re-establishes his identity and Romney disappears, Ryan still has the stink of 2012 on him.”—Politico’s Jonathan Martin, explaining why Paulie doesn’t seem to be generating a lot of 2016 chatter.
Pseudo-New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Sure accounting loves ‘em. Accounting don’t have to wind ‘em.” “Kid just doesn’t have much of a mainspring.” “Now, Smythe here, you don’t have to wind him more than twice a month. That’s because every one of our employees is unique. And that also happens to be the first rule of Personnel…
Give us your best “Who gives a shit I’m still fucking gorgeous” pose
New York magazine furnishes Lindsay Lohan’s latest and greatest mug shot, this one taken in Santa Monica rather than New York—something about reckless driving and lying to the police, I think, rather than allegedly punching out a blonde psychic, which, I think, is something a lot of us would like to do.
Why it would not entirely surprise me if the New York Times were suddenly to be consumed by the sulfurous flames of the Fiery Pit
T Magazine online is your cultural touchstone, with always-unique perspectives on our world. Read about the trend toward a modern modesty in women’s fashion; the stark luxury of today’s out-of-the-way hotels and resorts; exciting new accessories made from exotic materials; the Californication of Biarritz; the Brooklynizing of the world; and so much more — all…
Bobby Few and Avram Fefer—“Ask Me Now,” Part 2
Posted by LudlowLowdown
Too Late!
The Daily Beast’s Daniel Klaidman reports that the Obama Administration is giving the military exclusive control of drone murders, instead of sharing with the CIA. Quoting one of several faceless and ballless sources, Dan comes up with the following: “Barack Obama has got to be concerned about his legacy,” says one former adviser. “He doesn’t…
Yes, Marc Ambinder is an idiot
The sad thing is Marc Ambinder is not an idiot, which is why his snappy little item, “5 truths about the drone war,” is so disappointing. First of all, and largely tangential to my major point, the “5 myths/5 truths” gambit is, 95 percent of the time, a lazy piece of punitory padding and jiggery-pokey,…