Fareed “Everyone else has said this so I have to say it too” Zakaria writes a column accusing President Obama of running a foreign policy that has failed, over and over again, to be, well, fabulous! Remember Ronald Reagan? He gave speeches that had some swagger, some class! “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Why…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Talk about lying down on the job! Just kidding. But, seriously, Smedley, this is not a standard death benefit.” “I told him to get a life, but, obviously, he never listened.” “Remind me never to hire anyone named ‘Bartleby’. Man, I am on fire!” “The kicker is his productivity has never been…
Conclusive Proof that ObamaCare is Working
The Republicans have formed a “Select Committee” (of Select Assholes) to “investigate” Benghazi. Best evidence that said committee will be a complete and total farce: Charles Krauthammer thinks so too! Yes, Charles Krauthammer! Yes, that Charles Krauthammer!
James Thurber, A Reader’s Guide, Part 10
INTRODUCTION This is the 10th episode of “James Thurber, A Reader’s Guide,” a rambling consideration of Thurber’s works, examining his life and work in some detail. Generally, these appear every Friday. The links to the first part and the most recent part are given below. Part 10 continues discussion of Thurber’s The Middle-Aged Man on…
The Republican Party, beneath contempt and beyond it
The Republican Party reached a new low yesterday, when House Republicans voted to hold IRS bureaucrat Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress for exercising her constitutional right not to testify against herself. Crazy is the new normal for Republicans. Although they talk of the Constitution and the rule of law, they believe in neither. They…
The Benghazi Select Committee: Boehner’s Dangerous Double Game!
Unless you’re ready for full-immersion fantasy inside baseball, please stop reading now. You heard what I said! Go away! Okay, stud, here’s the deal: House Speaker John Boehner’s recent decision to finally allow the creation of a House Select Committee to “investigate,” for the fiftieth time, the bloody raid on the American compound in Benghazi…
The Economist: Not quite as dumb as the Wall Street Journal? Perhaps!
The bright young lads in three-piece suits* who write the editorials for the Economist have come up with a stunner, *What would America fight for?* Listen to their jive: [W]hen America’s president speaks of due caution, the world hears reluctance—especially when it comes to the most basic issue for any superpower, its willingness to fight….
Roy Haynes—“Blue and Boogie”
Leisure suits and great jazz? Believe it! From Jack Kleinsinger’s Highlights in Jazz Charlie Parker Tribute, April, 1973 with Roy Haynes on drums, Howard McGhee and Jimmy Owens, trumpet, Cecil Payne and Lee Konitz on sax, Ted Dunbar, guitar and Richard Davis on bass.From the Jazz Video Guy
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Apparently, it’s only the drier that’s solar powered.” “We have two options: either a very long hose or a combustion unit linked to tanks of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen. So I guess traveling light wasn’t such a good idea.” “Well, I can pretend to read this manual as long as you…
James Thurber, A Reader’s Guide
INTRODUCTION This is the ninth episode of “James Thurber, A Reader’s Guide,” a rambling consideration of Thurber’s works, examining his life and work in some detail. Generally, these appear every Friday. The links to the first part and the most recent part are given below. Part 9 continues discussion of Thurber’s “slender masterpiece,” My Life…