Throughout the life of this blog, I have made intermittent yet persistent sport of Timesman Ross Douthat, to the point, on several occasions, of referring to him as “Ross Dumb Fuck.” Well, perhaps I haven’t matured, but Ross has, recently turning in a stunner of a column in which he admitted, as a Republican, that…
Author: Alan Vanneman
George F. Will, finding that elusive middle ground for right-wing hypocrisy
In a column largely, and justly, devoted to pointing out that President Obama’s excellent Libyan adventure, like his predecessor’s Iraqi incursion, was based on false pretences and has resulted more in chaos than democracy, Georgie F then launches as remarkable a series of non sequitur, false assumption, and disingenuous innuendo as I’ve seen since, well,…
E.B. White and the Past Recaptured. Again!
I could say that I’m not obsessed with the New Yorker, but that would be wrong. If you don’t believe me, go here, or here, or here, or here, where I’m in the midst of a 30-part examination of the writings and life of James Thurber. Back in the day, E. B. White was almost…
Melissa Aldana—”Ask Me Now”
Chilean Melissa Aldana, winner of the 2013 Thelonious Monk Saxophone Competition performs the Monk tune, “Ask Me Now.” Posted by Capulosity All jazz videos here
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “Let’s just say that I’m a killer, but I only kill upon request.” “I admit to a few youthful indiscretions, but nothing that would raise a—okay, I can see I’m getting off on the wrong foot here.” “Yeah, it’s true. I used to slay the bulls. But now I’m ready to slay…
James Thurber, A Reader’s Guide, Part 15
INTRODUCTION This is the 15th episode of “James Thurber, A Reader’s Guide,” a rambling consideration of Thurber’s works, examining his life and work in some detail. Generally, these appear every Friday. The links to the first part and the most recent part are given below. Part 15 concludes my discussion of Thurber’s The Middle-Aged Man…
Liberals and the war in Iraq: still not getting it
Frank Rich has an article in New York that pivots off the publication of The Last Magazine, the posthumous novel of deceased journalist Michael Hastings that, as Rich tells it, chastises those liberals who supported the Bush Administration’s invasion of Iraq in 2003: It’s the default position of liberals to lay the blame for this…
Is Obama a realist? Well, that depends on what your definition of “reality” is
Over at the American Conservative, Daniel Larison struggles manfully, as is his wont, over the minutiae of American foreign policy, in particular whether President Obama is a “realist.” Quite reasonably, he concludes that he isn’t. Realists don’t start pointless wars, as President Obama did by launching an air assault on a harmless country (Libya) because,…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “I guess I need about ten bucks in really tiny quarters.” “Send up a left hand, because this kid hasn’t got one.” “If I hear Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody one more time I’m going to puke.” “He says he won’t play ‘Feelings’ because it always makes him cry. So, basically, I want my…
James Thurber, A Reader’s Guide, Part 14
INTRODUCTION This is the 14th episode of “James Thurber, A Reader’s Guide,” a rambling consideration of Thurber’s works, examining his life and work in some detail. Generally, these appear every Friday. The links to the first part and the most recent part are given below. Part 14 continues my discussion of Thurber’s The Middle-Aged Man…