What is it about aging former office holders that compels them to get in front of TV cameras and berate President Obama for failing to activate America’s fleet of death ray satellites that ceaselessly circle the globe to wipe out ISIS, along with all other non-“moderate” Syrian rebels, or perhaps for not slipping over to…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. All cartoons here. and here “Now, I know you all have a lot of questions about a lot of things, but first let me assure that retractable and non-retractable will be treated alike by me.” “And, when it comes to butt-sniffing, well, we’re all adults here. No need to be squeamish, but…
James Thurber, A Reader’s Guide, Part 29
INTRODUCTION This is the 29th episode of “James Thurber, A Reader’s Guide,” a rambling consideration of Thurber’s works, examining his life and work in some detail. Generally, these appear every Friday. The links to the first part and the most recent part are given below. Part 29 continues the discussion of stories in the 1953…
Romney 2016: The Dream That Will Not Die
In glittering prose, Mark Halperin tells of a glittering evening, a gathering of GOP moneybags who listen as 2016 hopefuls Chris Christie, Rand Paul, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, and Kelly Ayotte all sing for their supper, with official noncandidate Mitt Romney serving as cohost, along with NY Jets owner Woody Johnson. Each of the hopefuls…
Leon Panetta, backstabbing asshole
If the U.S. spends the next 30 years wallowing aimlessly, and profitlessly, in an endless succession of Middle Eastern wars, one of the people you can blame is former CIA Director former SecDef Leon “The Sky is falling and it’s all Obama’s fault” Panetta. I bitched about Leon in the past for a long time…
Eric Reed—“Reflections”
Pianist Eric Reed has released several excellent albums devoted to the compositions of Thelonious Monk. Here he is performing solo. Posted by Zycopolis TV
David Brooks, Genteel Hysteric
David Brooks’ most recent column is an extravagant intellectual tour de force, springing off an essay written by Lewis Mumford for the New Republic back in 1940, chastising his fellow “pragmatic” liberals for failing to understand the menace of totalitarianism. Brooks presents Mumford’s argument as follows: Mumford’s nominal subject was his fellow liberals’ tendency, in…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. All cartoons here. and here “If it’s childish why am I getting such an enormous hard-on?” “I’m going to handle it because if you did it you’d probably leave us with a seven-ten split.” “It’s phallic, sure. The whole job is phallic. But it’s not excessively phallic.” “Yeah, but when are we…
James Thurber, A Reader’s Guide, Part 28
INTRODUCTION This is the 28th episode of “James Thurber, A Reader’s Guide,” a rambling consideration of Thurber’s works, examining his life and work in some detail. Generally, these appear every Friday. The links to the first part and the most recent part are given below. Part 28 continues the discussion of stories in Thurber’s 1953…
Teddy Wilson, Lionel Hampton, Gene Krupa
Together again, but without Bossman Benny Goodman, whom they probably did not miss very much, although he did help make them famous. Both Lionel and Gene were flamboyant personalities as well as remarkable virtuosos, but self-effacing Teddy certainly benefited from the leg-up. This is all happening circa 1971, with Mel Torme doing the introduction, on…