After Richard Nixon resigned from the presidency, almost everyone who ever knew him lined up to say what a shit he was. Moaned Richard Cohen, “I hate Richard Nixon’s friends. They make me feel sorry for Richard Nixon.”1 Well, Barack Obama is no Richard Nixon, and I don’t hate him, but still. I don’t like…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. All cartoons here. and here “Hell, yeah, I said it! ‘Who pays the rent around here?’ I said it! And, all of a sudden, I’m the bad guy!” “Like, I’m supposed to apologize for having opposable thumbs? Fuck that shit.” “All I get these days is ‘check your privilege, check your privilege.’…
Could global warming wreak havoc across the globe? Well, that depends on what you mean by “wreak”, and “havoc”, and, you know, “globe”
Brad Plumer, hysteric in chief for “Vox”, warns that a new report from the UN—well, I’ll let Brad tell it: “The new report includes a review of the evidence that carbon dioxide from burning coal, gas, and oil is heating the planet. It notes that some amount of “irreversible” climate disruption is already locked in,…
It’s all Obama’s fault!
Well, it isn’t, of course, but we have to blame someone. And, sadly, the Democrats have taken a pasting of historic proportions. For the past six years, the Republicans have been arguing about whether they need to undergo an agonizing reappraisal1 of what the Republican Party stands for. Now it’s the Democrats’ turn. It’s easy…
Das Wolfgang Schmidtke Trio im Bad Hersfelder Grebe-Keller
It don’t get no more German than this, does it? Wolfgang released a nice album, half Steve Lacy (with Steve himself soloing) and half Thelonious Monk, featuring Alex von Schlippenbach on piano. Alex is one of Monk’s premier modern interpreters, which I didn’t get around to telling you about last week. Since this clip is…
Nothing to see here, folks. Because we won’t let you
Color me unsurprised to learn that the “no fly” zone instituted over Ferguson, Missouri during the recent demonstrations/riots had nothing to do with “rumored” (i.e., fictitious) shots fired at a police helicopter and everything to do with preventing the media from showing Ferguson’s finest in action. The Associate Press reports that the Federal Aviation Administration…
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. All cartoons here. and here “Well, the eggs benedict are a non-starter. I wouldn’t wish my Hollandaise on anyone.” “I usually skip the preliminaries and go straight for the stir-fry. But if you like the stuffed mushroom caps be my guest.” “No extra charge for the extra virgin. Well, that’s big of…
What do you mean “lemon”? It’s “finicky”! And so are you!
If you paid $336,265 for a car, would you expect the windshield defogger to work properly? If so, you’re totally bourgeois, at least in the eyes of supercar enthusiast Lawrence Ulrich, who writes about such vehicles for the New York Times. In his recent review of the McLaren 650S, Ulrich notes that the car features…
Thurber Farewell
I just completed a 31-part take on the life and work of James Thurber. I’ll be reissuing the whole thing as an ebook, along with half a dozen Thurber-related essays. To help readers to ease off their Thurber jones, I’m running this wonderful 1940 cover Thurber did for the New Yorker.
The Schlippenbach Trio
Alexander von Schlippenbach, Evan Parker, sax, and Paul Lovens, drums, in Ulrichsberg, 6/12/09. Posted by Shuffleboil