For more than twenty years, ever since the latter part of David Dinkins’ administration in the early nineties, crime has been declining in New York City. With fewer and fewer real criminals to catch, the New York City Police Department was starting to get nervous. Can things be “too quiet”? You bet your ass! The…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Collettivo T. Monk del conservatorio Verdi di Milano —“Let’s Cool One” Arranged and conducted by Dario Trapani Personnel: Dario Trapani – Guitar, Arrangements and Conduction Simone Maggi – Trumpet Paolo Lo Polito – Alto Sax Nicolò Ricci – Tenor Sax Rudi Manzoli – Tenor Sax Andrea Baronchelli – Trombone Giovanni Agosti – Piano Marco Rottoli – Double Bass Riccardo Chiaberta – Drums
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “It don’t look like Heaven cause it ain’t. It’s Purgatory. Keep your nose clean, stay in line, and you’ll do just fine.” “Hey, don’t blame me. I didn’t vote for de Blasio.” “‘So high you can’t get over it’ ain’t just the title of a song.” “No jumpers in New York, no…
Charlie Hill, looking for work
Charles Hill, billed at Politico as “a diplomat in residence and lecturer in International Studies at Yale University,” is not a dude I’ve ever heard of before, but I’m guessing he thinks he deserves a better job, because he’s written shabby, underhanded political diatribe thoughtful piece for Politico Magazine titled “Why Political Islam Is Winning,”…
What should Republicans say now that the GDP is growing, the deficit is shrinking, and gas prices are falling? Reihan Salam has no fucking idea.
What should Republicans say now that the GDP is growing, the deficit is shrinking, and gas prices are falling? Well, says “thoughtful” Republican Reihan Salam, well, this is what Reihan said: According to Texas State University economist David Beckworth and National Review’s Ramesh Ponnuru, the chief problem with the Republican worldview in the post-crisis years…
Chris Christie, not the fattest man in this picture
Childish, I know, but so what? The fat guy on the left is some Canadian dude.
Michael W. Davis – “Let’s Cool One” Michael W. Davis – Drums; Sam Gendel – Alto Saxophone; Mike Rivett – Tenor Saxophone; Nils Weinhold – Guitar; Matt Davis – Guitar Posted by Michael Davis Recorded Live in New York, April 24, 2010
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here. “I’m sure that Mr. Hutchinson will come down from the wall when he feels it is safe to come down from the wall.” “You shouldn’t take this personally, Mrs. Hutchinson. Many men have an affinity for the perpendicular.” “No, I don’t think your husband is fighting the process. I think he’s engaging…
The Washington Post and the tyranny of grandiose expectations
Is it possible to think up yet another hypocritical reason for objecting to President Obama’s decision to normalize relations with Cuba? Yes! Cries the Washington Post! The President is telling us that normalizing relations with Cuba is just like normalizing relations with Vietnam and China. But, says the Post, that’s why it’s a bad idea:…
Obama tosses the Castros in the dustbin of history, while Republicans rage
If they gave prizes for walking corpses—and maybe they should—the Castro brothers’ brutal farce in Havana would certainly win at least an honorable mention—“ugly but ambulant for more than two decades!” has a nice ring to it. But the Republican mainstream seems determined to prop up the beast. Reason’s Matt Welch gives a nice rundown…