New York magazine has perhaps an unintentionally meaningful article on the latest “Scripps National Spelling Bee”, during which co-winners Vanya Shivashankar and Gokul Venkatachalam “tackled obscure and impossible words like myrmotherine, pyrrhuloxia, hippocrepiform, and sprachgefühl.” Is it rude to point out that 1) only two of these words can even remotely be considered English, 2)…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Rand Paul really, really evil, says Wash Post
Want to know the real deal about Rand Paul? The Washington Post will be glad to tell you. Check out these heads: Charles Lane: Rand Paul’s dark vision Jennifer Rubin: Rand Paul goes off the deep end Dana Milbank: The decline of Rand Paul Taking them in reverse order, Dana Milbank is the voice of…
Joey Alexander—“Round Midnight”
The very young Joey Alexander at the 2014 Lincoln Center Gala. Posted by MkMnn
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here “Young Smedley here is shorting the dollar and everything else.” “He likes to call himself Bartleby the Gardener. Apparently that’s a thing these days.” “We take our hericots verts very seriously around here, Thomas. Very seriously indeed.” “We all eat at our desks. Smedley prefers to grow there as well.” “Smedley here…
Maybe we were not skeptical enough about Bob Schieffer
I was never a Bob Schieffer guy—I mean, I didn’t hate him—but, since I never watch TV news, I never saw him. But it seems that Bob has saved the worst for last, pausing before he shuffles off to oblivion by remarking “Maybe we [the media] were not skeptical enough” about President Obama back in…
Dennis Haskert—Screwed for Being a Big Shot?
Over at Politico, Scott Horton makes a good case for it. If the former House Speaker had been willing for it to be more or less public knowledge—known to the government, at least—that he was taking out large amounts of cash, he wouldn’t have been charged with a crime. Since he tried to conceal that…
Three Cheers for Rand Paul!
Yes, the junior senator from Kentucky is the man of the hour, single-handedly pushing the grotesquely mis-named “USA Patriot Act” into temporary oblivion while the right wing howls. I can only fault Rand on one thing. Paul said “People here in town think I’m making a huge mistake. Some of them, I think, secretly want…
It’s starting to look a lot like Rubio
Well, it is. I’ve got my pundit hat on, and my pundit PJs, and I’m saying the Republican nomination is Fla. Sen. Marco Rubio’s to lose. Big Chris Christie—big, fat Chris Christie, as we say down south—may have just put the last nail in Jeb Bush’s coffin when he came out against the “Common Core”…
“Have We Learned Anything From the Columbia Rape Case?”
“Have We Learned Anything From the Columbia Rape Case?” asks a headline in this week’s New York Times Magazine. Well, since the accused rapist was found, you know, not guilty, I’d say the answer is “no,” as far as the New York Times goes. Unless they want to change their head to “Have We Learned…
Fuck you, New York Times
On Wednesday, May 27th, the New York Times, for which I have a paid digital subscription, ran an “opinion” piece by Republican hit person Peter Wehner, titled “Have Democrats Pulled Too Far Left?”, which rattles through a predictable series of semi-truths and falsehoods regarding domestic issues, politely and nicely dissected by Jonathan Chait here. Well,…