Pierrick Menuau: tenor sax; Simon Mary: bass; Jean Chevalier: drums; Jean-Marie Bellec: piano. Posted by Jean-Marie Bellec
Author: Alan Vanneman
Money don’t buy applause? Frank Sinatra, Meet Michael Bloomberg
Frank Sinatra, still hitting the road in his seventies, was asked why he was continuing to perform, when he was both richer than sin and too old to engage in it. Didn’t he have all the money he would ever need? “Money don’t applaud,” said Frankie. Well, that was then. Now, money do applaud, or…
Myths in a Mist
For the past year or so, the Washington Post has been running five-minute history lessons in the form of a feature that always begins “Five Myths About …”. A more honest head would be “Five Strawmen About …” A case in point—and one that, naturally, got under my skin—is a recent one by Gregg Herken,…
Joe Zawinul Syndicate—“Little Rootie Tootie”
Munich, 1989, with Cornell Rochester taking an extended drum solo that, for some reason, gets cut off. Run out of tape, guys? Posted by AURELIO58
Pseudo New Yorker
Legal humor here “So I says to him ‘The 405? What’s a 405?’ Poor fucker never knew what hit him.” “Take-offs are about 3 Gs. Landings are about 4 Gs. Yeah, that’ll muss your hair.” “Unless I can get a decent Margarita in ten minutes I’m half-way to pre-ignition.” “Because the Major Deegan was like…
Republican debate: Is Donald Trump really a crude, unprincipled buffoon, or does he just bear an uncanny resemblance to one on numerous occasions?
David Ignatius to Obama: You need to be bipartisan, Mr. President!
WPost columnist David Ignatius has the following words of “wisdom” for President Obama re the proposed nuclear agreement with Iran: “On the substance, I agree with Obama. The agreement will provide clear, verifiable limits on Iran’s ability to build a nuclear weapon for at least 15 years. Those who think more sanctions can gain a…
Oh, that Earl Warren!
Am I the only person lame enough to make fun of Bill Gates every time I catch a Microsoft product behaving in a less than perfect manner? I wouldn’t be surprised. I was listening to music on my computer, using the Microsoft “Music” program, which tells you not only the artist you’re listening to but…
Hokusai! What a guy!
One of the nice things about the Internet is that you don’t have to go to museums any more. They come to you. Well, maybe not entirely, but doesn’t “Woman Looking at Herself in a Mirror” (1805) from Japanese master Katsushika Hokusai look terrific? There’s a lot more at the New York Review of Books,…
African tells Americans to stop worrying about lions and start worrying about Africans. Americans tell him to fuck off
Yes, Goodwell Nzou tells New York Times readers that *In Zimbabwe, We Don’t Cry for Lions” and they tell him, among other things, that “this is unfortunately the view of a small minded immature person ill equipped, apparently, to see the big picture. That lions and other wild animals are in many locals heading for…