Time flies when your country is burning down, doesn’t it? The week after Donald Trump’s many fans took him seriously rather than literally—“March peaceably, folks! But stay strong! And save your country from the greatest crime in history! Only you can do it! And don’t take no for an answer!”—Mr. George F. Will, intent on…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Thinking is not prohibited at the New York Times; but it is frowned upon. Strongly. Very strongly.
Actually, I’m cutting the Times, and the screamin’ wokies who make up its staff, an enormous amount of slack because it’s fairer to say that thinking is forbidden at the Times, rather than my kinder, gentler take. Latest victim of the “no think” movement at the Times is Donald McNeil Jr., booted for daring to…
John Podhoretz fails to make me want to subscribe to Commentary
In some sort of come on or other that I was reading, Commentary guy John Podhoretz began a sentence with the words, “Whatever else you want to say about Donald Trump, ….” I’m afraid those nine words were a bit of dealbreaker for me, because, well, that day I read no further. Still, there are…
Matt Purple explains why you should only give one and a half cheers for Liz Cheney
Over at the American Conservative, Matt Purple has an article, Neither Madge Nor Liz If the GOP is to be saved, it must reject both the delusions of Q and those who have wrecked our public policy, which I thought I’d skip, since I’m generally not a fan of Matt’s rap, but, for whatever reason,…
Claudia Burson—“Rhythm-a-Ning”
Old white folks in Arkansas get down, and more power to them. Claudia on the keyboard, with Drew Packard, bass, Steve Wilkes, drums, Ben Harris, guitar, Austin Farnam or Rick Salonen, sax, and Matt Beach, trombone. Posted by Crisprecording
Mitch McConnell reportedly working behind the scenes—to continue working behind the scenes
Mitch McConnell forthrightly criticized Donald Trump’s outrageous behavior, both before and on January 6, blaming him for the criminal assault on the Capitol, and then voted against instituting an impeachment trial of Trump in the Senate, on the specious grounds that Trump cannot be tried by the Senate now that he is out of office….
Rob Portman has a “quiet virtue”. In fact you might even say it’s silent.
Over at the National Review, Peter Nordlinger, a conservative anti-Trumper of the highest water, has these words to say about Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), who has announced that he will not run for reelection in 2022: Portman knows things — a lot of them. He has a strong commitment to the American system, undergirded by…
Peter Beinart tries harder. Much harder.
In a recent post, Try harder, Mr. Beinart,1 I subjected Peter Beinart to brief ridicule for perpetuating now ancient myths from John F. Kennedy’s half-forgotten “New Frontier” when he expressed the wish, in a column for the New York Times, that more Republican senators would present “profiles in courage”, so to speak, and vote the…
Only 90% of Republican Senators Are Cowards! That’s such an improvement!
Well, it is. Yes, only 5 of 50 Republican senators voted to proceed with Donald Trump’s second impeachment. On the other hand, on the occasion of his first impeachment, only 2 of 53 Republicans voted even to hear witnesses. 90% versus 96.2%? That’s progress, baby! I’m impressed! I confess that I saw this coming. It…
Live from Here with Chris Thile—“Rhythm-a-ning”
Posted by Live from Here. The YouTube page lists as “musicians” Mike Elizondo, Eric Doob, Armand Hirsch, Gabriel Kahane, Jeremy Kittel. The Live from Here site doesn’t bother to tell us who plays what.