AV fave rave Daniel Larison has a post up1 quoting Peter Beinart from an interview Pete did with John Glaser of the Cato Institute as follows: We also don’t have…we don’t really have a learning process that I think then shapes the public debate. So one of the things that’s really frustrating to me, and…
Author: Alan Vanneman
Shorter Mitch Daniels: “No, I don’t have any balls. What’s your point?”
Politico may have set the record for “most inane political headline of the year” with this entry: “A Nice-Guy Conservative Emerges From Political Self-Exile”, which might be better titled “Eighty-year-old fat-assed conservative continues to hide his fat ass under the bed”, because that’s precisely what fat-assed former Indiana governor Mitch Daniels is doing. This sublimely…
The Democratic Party has a duty to ensure that the Republican Party will nominate Senate candidates who will defeat their Democratic opponents in November, Megan McArdle explains
Why are the Republicans putting up such shitty candidates for the Senate this year? So shitty that the Democrats might actually maintain control of the Senate in what should be a shitty year for them? Well, it’s all the Democrats’ fault, says Megan McArdle, who apparently likes to think of herself as the “thoughtful” (“thoughtful”…
CDC admits mistakes, promises to do a better job in covering its ass in the future
“CDC director orders agency overhaul, admitting flawed Covid-19 response”, says today’s Politico. “Walensky, Citing Botched Pandemic Response, Calls for C.D.C. Reorganization”, says today’s New York Times. “Inside America’s monkeypox crisis — and the mistakes that made it worse”, says today’s Washington Post. Yeah, you can’t make this stuff up—and, most unfortunately, you don’t have to,…
Kenny Barron, Kiyoshi Kitagawa, Brian Blade—“I Mean You”
Kenny on piano, Kiyoshi on bass, and Brian on drums. Live at Tsutenkaku, 2006. Posted by babyictsu.
Is the Woke Post waking up just a little? Well, north of the Potomac, yeah!
Okay, I’m impressed. Last week, the Washington Post ran the following editorial, Another promising charter school is wrongly rejected by Montgomery County, in which the Post rightfully complained about the state of affairs regarding charter schools in Montgomery County, Maryland, which supposedly have been kosher in MC since 1998. Said the Post But more than…
Jason Moran, Aaron Goldberg—“I Mean You”
Strange post with two live recordings, the first no video. First is a trio led by Jason Moran, with Marcus Varela on bass and Michael Carvin on drums. Second, with video, is Aaron Goldberg, with Mark Turner, sax, Reuben Rogers, bass, and Eric Harland, drums. Both live sets from 2011. Posted by li9one
Winds of Change Blowing Through the National Review? Or Is Kevin D. Williamson Just Stupid?
Okay, Kevie D. is not stupid, but he seems to be straying very far from the reservation as staked out by William F. Buckley—generally known as “Saint Bill” around the NR water cooler. As anyone who read Buckley and his Merry Band back in the 1960s knows, the National Review regarded Franklin Roosevelt and his…
Yo, Blobists! If we “have” to learn how to get along with Saudi Arabia, shouldn’t we “have” to learn how to get along with Russia and China too?
Yeah, Blobists! Or Establishmentarians, or whatever you like to call yourselves these days! What is the deal with this hardnosiosity, or perhaps rhinosaurusism, that is coming to the fore with regard to Saudi Arabia? I first noticed, and bewailed, this unfortunate “trend” last March, when I faulted Atlantic editor Jeff Goldberg for pushing the line…
Burning the Bonfire: Vanneman does Salamon does De Palma does Wolfe
(Editor’s Note: In 1987, Tom Wolfe published a novel, The Bonfire of the Vanities. In 1990, Brian De Palma directed the film version. In 1991, Julie Salamon published The Devil’s Candy, her chronicle of the making of the film. In 2022, I read her book and wrote this article.) The Bonfire of the Vanities, Tom…