Three things about Breitbart—the constant theatricality, the constant hostility, and the constant cleavage—all suggested a man with a lot on his mind that he didn’t want to talk about. And the same for Matt Drudge, who has wisely skipped the cleavage in favor of pretending to be Phillip Marlowe.* Both men had an obsessive rage, and an obsessive fondness for process over substance, that reminded me of Terry Dolan, founder of “NCPAC” (National Conservative Political Action Committee), who died of AIDS way back in the Eighties.†
My previous post makes it sound that I’m glad Breitbart is dead, which is lazy on my part. I’m not, but I saw little that was positive in him.
*Or perhaps Mike Shayne, since, like Mike, Matt operates out of Miami.
†Dolan defended family values while frequenting gay bars. Breitbart, a family man, defended gay rights. I have no idea what he did in his spare time. Drudge’s monklike existence has encouraged lots of speculation, which his tribute to his late friend will certainly do nothing to discourage.