Is President Obama a fascist, or has he merely sold his sold his soul to them? Call me a sentimental fool if you like, but I think the president is not entirely a fascist; he’s just very, very sensitive. And when people hurt his feelings—for example, by exposing all the lies he and his administration have told and all the crimes they have committed—he lashes out and calls them criminals when they haven’t been convicted and says they have been indicted when he just means that he wishes that they were. Because, I guess, he cares so much.
The Obama Administration is currently fighting to cover the ass of the Bush Administration, insisting that U.S. courts shouldn’t be allowed to rule on the constitutionality of warrantless surveillance that took place back in the day, because, well, what goes around comes around, and the Obama folks sure wouldn’t want a Republican administration to allow the courts to rule on Obama’s dirty laundry. So, no, bipartisanship is not quite dead in Washington, not when it comes to covering up the continuing not to say unending violation of our civil liberties.
The administration is arguing that for a court to rule on the constitutionality of what took place, it would have to know what took place, which makes sense. It’s just that, well, Americans can’t be allowed to know what took place, because, well, because the administration thinks that it would be harmful to national security. It’s not quite “if I told you I’d have to kill you,” but it’s close.
The president’s favorite line on these matters is “Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we necessarily should,” which sounds to me like the president thinks he’s doing us a favor by not killing us, or, to expand it a little— “Whatever it is you think I shouldn’t be doing I’m probably not doing, although in fact I have the right to do it, and might have done it in the past and I might do it in the future, all of which is irrelevant because I wouldn’t do it unless I had a really good reason, defining “a really good reason” as something so important I can’t tell you about it.”
So this is what I got for my $100 back in 2008. O mores, O tempores!
The New York Times tells you more of the truth than Obama would here.