Legal humor here.
“I know I’m a pretty bird! Just leave it alone! For God’ssake!”
“We’re going to win and I’m going to tell you why. Because
advertising is all about repetition and repetition is what we parrots do best.
Just be yourselves and we can’t lose.”
“Bob, stop talking like a mynah bird. I’m right on this one
and we all know it.”
“And let’s not forget to use our verbs, okay?
Clients like to hear ‘em.”
“Well, whoever put up that notice saying that the pay
around here is chickenfeed doesn’t know much about chickens and doesn’t know
anything about me.”
“I don’t care if the clients like to hear you say ‘pieces
of eight.’ We’re account executives, god damn it, not a ride at Disneyland.”
“Am I asking you to fly, gentlemen? No. I’m asking you to
“The client is always going to tell you he wants new ideas.
Take it from me, that’s bullshit. What the client wants to hear, and what the
client is going to pay for, is to hear his ideas repeated right back to him. We’ve
been doing it that way at Psittacine & Sons for 125 years now, and we aren’t
going to change.”
“Don’t sell
yourselves short and let ‘em know you’re smart. You know what my daddy used to
tell me? Owls don’t come out in the daytime because they’re afraid of the
“I know the pigeons
have ruined it for everyone but that’s not my problem. South of the Park you’ll
take a cab and you’ll like it.”