Legal humor here
“She burns methane ’stead a-burpin’ it, for one thing. Mother Nature thanks me, and you will too.”
“Yeah, sure, manure is Nature’s way. But it ain’t my way. My way’s the highway, so excuse my exhaust.”
“And another thing. She don’t draw no flies.”
“You know that feller who said we don’t ride on the railway—the railway rides on us? I aim to change that.”
“Just think of it as the horseshoe writ large.”
“Look at it this way. We can replace the horse, or they’re gonna replace us!”
“Big brown eyes don’t add nothin’ to the bottom line.”
“And a horse is easy to start on a cold morning?”
“Sure you got to grease her once in a while. But last time I looked, bear grease was a lot cheaper than apples.”
“This ain’t a quarter horse, for one thing. It’s a twenty mile and a quarter horse.”