I remarked earlier on the fact that both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz were gaining traction by rejecting the “muscular” foreign policy that has become de rigueur for Republicans since the Age of Ronnie. Well, now, the Donald has gone completely apeshit, saying that Bush’s incompetence caused 9/11 and that the Iraq war was not an honest mistake but a dishonest one, ripping the last fig leaf from the Beltway Illuminati’s crotch to reveal the sadly shriveled penis within. “We are wise, brave, and very well-intentioned,” say the Illuminati, and Big Donald says “No way, Joe!” in response. “Trump’s extended Bush-lied-people-died diatribe, featuring repeated scoffing at Republican Bush-kept-us-safe dogma, was the most surreal stretch of a debate that generally could have been scripted by Salvador Dali,” moans a stunned Michael Grunwald, who can’t believe his ears when hearing something he hasn’t heard a million times before.
That’s the problem, of course, that the Donald’s discontent hasn’t been heard a million times before. The Democrats blew themselves up over Vietnam in real time. The Republicans have been suppressing this powder keg for a decade. And now the strain is beginning to tell.