In today’s editorial, “Reopen Schools, and Reform Them”, the pathetically “correct” New York Times argues that “Scrapping the high-stakes admission tests for New York’s specialized public high schools is long overdue. They severely disadvantage talented Black and Latino students.” A more accurate head would be “Reopen schools, and then destroy middle class support for them,” because that is precisely what would happen if the Times’s “reform” were to go through.
The public schools in many cities and communities have taken a hit in the COVID-19 era thanks to selfish behavior on the part of teachers’ unions. If New York abolishes the use of competitive exams for entry into its elite high schools, it will encourage parents who are ambitious for their children to seek opportunities elsewhere. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has been widely, and correctly, condemned for her obvious hatred for what she calls “government schools”, which she clearly wishes to destroy. Well, Betsy can’t do that, but if New York City follows the Times advice, her “dream” will come true in, of all places, the Big Apple, world headquarters of Liberalism, Inc. Oy, the stupidity.