Sick of my whiny, bitchy posts about the Post’s whiny, bitchy columnist David Broder? Well, skip this one, then.
In today’s bitch, Dave comes up with a headline that must have had his blood a-pumpin’, “An Early Drubbing for Obama.” The awkward, “No, we won’t, okay, maybe we will” response of Senate Democrats to the selection of Illinois nonentity Roland Burris to fill Obama’s vacated Senate seat by Illinois bad boy Rod Blagojevich is risible, but a “drubbin’” it ain’t. Burris, defeated three times for governor and also a loser in the Democratic primary for mayor, doesn’t come across as a class act, but whether he’ll be worse than Diane “Votes with Bush” Feinstein, or a dozen other Democrats, is debatable. What isn’t debatable is that the whole affair has cost Obama perhaps one one hundredth of one percent of his momentum, if that. Look for Dave to eagerly record further “drubbings” at the drop of a hat.
Naturally, with his endless inside baseball spin on things, Dave completely ignores the fact that there was no way that the Senate could deny Burris his seat. But who wants to talk about the law when you can spread gossip instead?
Update: Both Noam Scheiber and Joe Klein are baffled by Dave’s rant. Apparently they haven’t noticed that “Mr. Objectivity” has been backstabbing the Democrats on a regular basis since the early days of the Clinton Administration. He was a rabid McCainite, only giving up on John when 1) it was obvious he was going to lose and 2) when the people Dave likes to have lunch with, like Anne Applebaum and Richard Cohen, gagged on McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin. Once you get a label in this town you never lose it.