Mary Jane: “Why would Doc Oc want to attack Wolverine?”
Oh, Mary Jane, do you believe that supervillains display only a motivated malignity? In any case, Spiderman, correct for once, provides an adequate answer: “ ’cause Logan cut one of his tentacles.” After all, if someone cut one of your tentacles, how would you like it?
Philip Kennicott, In his withering takedown of the movie Shrink, writes: “Dump that weed into the toilet, shave your beard, care for someone worse off than you are and get on with life. It’s never that easy.”
Thanks, Phil! The beard will grow back, but the weed is gone forever! Yeah, I should have read the next sentence, but so what!
Michael Kinsley, writing of the Obama-Gates-Crowley deal, has this to say: “The more concerned you are to avoid saying anything wrong or offensive, the less likely you are to say anything inspiring or true.”
If this were true, then Joe Biden would be the most inspiring man on the planet. Gandhi, move over!