Dave Weigel, recently bounced from the Wash Post for talking trash about conservatives, more recently covered a Richmond, Va. Tea Party convention and described one of the attendees, long-shot congressional candidate Floyd Bayne, thusly: Bayne is bald, goateed, and built like the bouncer at a club with a $10 cover.
I give up, Dave. What does a bouncer at a club with a $10 cover look like? Fat, lean, rough, burned-out, louchè or what? And, frankly, what does a club with a $10 cover look like? The Waldorf, the pits, what? Try writing for the few of us who don’t know what it’s like to go to bed with a belly full of Cristal seven nights a week.
Dave actually looks like this, which is, frankly, exactly my idea of a bouncer at a club with a $10 cover.