Well, it is. Ralph himself says so in this post, directed at wiseguys Jonathan Chait and Daniel Larison, who have been making fun of Ralph’s continuing obsession with asthmatic lardbutt Chris Christie. Getting just a wee bit testy with Jon and Dan for not agreeing with him about Chris, Ralph lets fly with the following challenge:
But for now, a question for writers like Chait and Larison, who have made sport of both Romney himself and of the conservative hope that someone else will emerge to take his place. As disinterested observers of the G.O.P. and as patriotic Americans who presumably want the best for their country regardless of which party holds the White House, whom do they think Republicans should want to join the race instead?
Yes, instead of making “sport” of poor Mitt Romney (how dare they?), it’s time for Jon and Dan (and, presumably, the rest of us) to come up with a Republican who can defeat Obama, which is so touching to hear from Ralph, who has supported the Republican Party down the line since day one of the Obama Administration in its endless efforts to destroy the President, even if it has to destroy the nation’s economy first. But when the shoe’s on the other foot, well, it’s on the other foot. That changes everything. I destroy you, you help me. Why are you looking at me like that? What’s wrong with you?