“I so want drug testing, I so want it,” Haley told a crowd at the Lexington SC Rotary Club earlier this month. According to Haley, “half of them [the Savannah job applicants] failed a drug test, and of the half that was left, of that 50 percent, the other half couldn’t read and write properly.”
So, according to Haley, half of her state’s unemployed are druggies, and the other half, or half of the other half, depending on how you parse her prose, can’t read or write. Except that, she’s now admitting, that is to say, claiming, that the Savannah River folks gave her bad information, which I unkindly suspect is a lie.
But this isn’t to say that Nikki isn’t busting her butt to get jobs for South Carolinians. She’s just come back from a trip to France and Germany (talk about a hardship tour!) drumming up business for the Palmetto State. And she came through! For only $127,000 and change, the trip netted—well, apparently the glowing numbers Nikki reported for that one were also bogus, thanks to those bozos in the Commerce Department, who apparently misinformed her. Ain’t it a bitch when you have to back up everything you say with, you know, the facts, Nikki?