Over at the Dish, Andy free during August, Gwynn Guilford posts a rap bemoaning China’s “insularity and paranoia,” giving as an example the reasonably believable “fact” that everyone in China believes that 1999 bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade by U.S. forces was deliberate. Well, that does sound a little insular and paranoid, but, as far as I know, the Chinese don’t make a habit of launching missile attacks on civilians in foreign countries and counting everyone who’s dead as either a “militant” or an “accident.” That’s insular and paranoid.
Glenn Greenwald cites a New York Times report from 2009 of a U.S. drone assault in Pakistan—“An airstrike believed to have been carried out by a United States drone killed at least 60 people at a funeral for a Taliban fighter in South Waziristan on Tuesday, residents of the area and local news reports said.” Nice shootin’, Obama!