I just did something I rarely do, read Bill Kristol, who’s whining, as usual, this time about evil anti-military Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. It’s funny, of course, because Bill is always funny, but (perhaps) even funnier are the ads that accompany Bill’s whine. One of them shows a seriously beefcaky dude relaxing under the caption “why men pull away” as a prompt to run a video discussing “10 ugly mistakes women make that ruins [sic] any chance of a relationship.” Why do I get the feeling that this video will seek to persuade you not to avoid women who make ugly mistakes but rather to avoid women entirely? And if you are in the mood for cruising, well, you’re in luck, because just across the way there’s an ad for “conference at sea,” an extremely well-titled event that will leave you trapped on a ship for 10 ugly days with Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes. It don’t get any uglier than that.
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